Calvary Vero Home Groups

Sermon-Based Discussion

Week of 05/12/24

Mark 10:13-31

In Mark 10:13-31 we see two distinct interactions with Jesus. The first is with little children who are brought to Jesus and who walk away from Him blessed. The second is with a rich young ruler who leaves his encounter with Jesus sorrowful. After these interactions, Jesus teaches his disciples. Pastor Nate took time to look at the differences between these two interactions, applying the teachings of Jesus to them in three areas: their approach, their interaction with Him, and their need for God.There seems to be a cultural split in our time with how people view Jesus. Many people come to Him and see Him as a source of great blessing, life, purpose, and hope. Others see Jesus as a disappointment, maybe un-relatable, or unapproachable.


The children were brought (by their parents) to Jesus because he had something that they needed. They were seeking some blessing that only Jesus could give, and their approach showed faith, dependence, and humility. The Rich young ruler on the other hand, came to Jesus thinking he just needed to add a little something to his life. He already had a successful life and was maybe thinking he just needed to add a little religion. He must have recognized something was lacking in his life.

- What are some ways that our culture views and approaches Jesus in the same way that the rich young ruler did?

- What are some specific examples of those wrong ideas (talk about some of the things you've heard from books, podcasts, social media, television, friends, family)?

- How do we keep those wrong ways of thinking about Jesus and His kingdom from taking root in our mind when our culture is so saturated with them?

**As an aside for Parents.** Nate mentioned three ways that parents can fulfill their spiritual responsibility to their children:

1. Soften hearts of children to toward God, Jesus, and his church.

2. Model life with him as an example. Be consistent followers of Jesus.

3. Show the need for Him.

- What are some things that you are already doing  or have done in any of those areas as a parent? Share those with one another and encourage one another.

Interaction and Need

The little children simply received. Nate mentioned that children in particular are great at simply receiving gifts. No contribution is required on the part of a child to receive the gift. Nothing to give back, simply receiving.

- What are some ways that you have received as a little child from God?

- What do you have from Him that is entirely unearned?

- Do you struggle with receiving without feeling the need to pay back or earn?

The rich young ruler on the other hand was asking "How can I add the message of Jesus to my already successful life? What can I do to get from You, Jesus?" The right question would have been "how can I receive eternal life?" So Jesus told him to do some things to get him on the path of discipleship.

1. “Sell all that you have.” He was thinking, "I'm gonna get more from Jesus", when he actually needed to give up what he already had. Possessions are not inherently bad, but they are when they get in the way of following Jesus. It’s ok to have possessions as long as they don’t possess us.

- What are some of the things in your own life that tend to get in the way of your walk with God?

- Are they good things given too much importance?

- Bad things that need to be repented of?

- Or just normal everyday things that you need to allow God to become a part of?

2. “Take up your cross and Follow Me.” Matthew 16:24

In short this is about becoming a disciple of Jesus. This means that Jesus leads and we follow, wherever that might take us. It also means that He is taking us somewhere, and that is ultimately towards Christlikeness. Finally, following requires self-denial.

- How do you allow Jesus to lead?

- Are there times where you are really leading your own life and just asking Jesus to come along?

- As you've followed Jesus in what ways have you become more like him?

- What are some specific ways that you've denied yourself, and your own wants, and how has that led to "life that is really life”, or the abundant life Jesus speaks of?

“He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake will find it.” Matthew 10:39