And your children shall be taught by the Lord, and great shall be the peace of your children. 
— Isaiah 54:13

Sunday Services Offered

  • Sunday 8:00AM

  • Sunday 9:30AM

  • Sunday 11:15AM

Thursday Services

  • Thursday 7:00PM *AWANA

Classroom Activities

  • Praise and worship service

  • Bible study at their level

  • Activities designed to reinforce the lesson

  • Snack time


Classes offered

  • Nursery – 0-18 months                                      

  • Toddlers – 18 months-2 yrs old

  • Pre-K – 3-4 yrs old                                            

  • K-1st Grade

  • 2nd-3rd Grade                                                   

  • 4th-5th Grade


What is AWANA?

AWANA Club is a Bible centered Children’s Ministry Program that meets during the school year on our Thursday evening service.  The acronym AWANA comes from the first letters of the phrase “Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed” (II Timothy 2:15)  

AWANA club exists to reach children with the gospel of Christ and train them to serve Him.  The priorities of AWANA also include reaching parents and other family members with the gospel and training adults to minister to Kids.  The key focus of the AWANA Club is Scripture memorization, understanding, and application.  Our AWANA consist of four groups that are taught on their level.

 Each group will have a great time of Kids’ Worship, Coordinated Activity, Handbook Time, Snack Time, and Big Group Bible Lesson.

  • “Cubbies” > Pre-K – 3-4 yrs old

  • “Sparks – K” > Kindergarten

  • “Sparks – 1 & 2” >  1st & 2nd Grade

  • “TNT”  > 3rd – 5th Grade


The heart of AWANA is the gospel message – that Jesus Christ died for sins and rose again.  Jesus paid the penalty for our sin when He was crucified and the cross.  If we put our faith and trust in Jesus, we receive God’s gift of eternal life in heaven!