But you, O man of God, flee these things and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, and gentleness. Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold of eternal life…
— 1 Timothy 6:11-12

The primary goal of Men’s Ministry is to encourage and equip men to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ, and to help them become the men God has called them to be… We do this by providing regular opportunities to get grounded in God’s Word; to forge relationships that sharpen us; and to serve the Lord in our church & our community.

Men's Ministry Contact Form
Would you like to learn more about Men’s Ministry, or how you can get involved?

Men’s Bible Studies

Morning Bible Study in Salvi on Tuesdays @ 6:30AM

Evening Bible Study in Salvi on Tuesdays @ 7:00PM

Men’s Prayer Meeting in Salvi Wednesdays @ 6:30AM.

The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. James 5:16

 Disciplines of a Godly Man

by R. Kent Hughes

Discipline is something we all need in every area of our lives if we want to continue to grow and become the men God has called us to be. Whether it be a desire to master a sport, a hobby, a skill, a career, etc., we all recognize the need to discipline ourselves to get better. In our study of Disciplines of a Godly Man we will look at all the facets of our lives that we can discipline ourselves to improve in,  so that we can experience all that God has intended for us as we live on mission for Christ.

Join us for this study beginning on January 21, 2025

Evening study meets Tuesdays at 7 pm in the Factory Youth room.

Morning study meets at 6:30 am in Salvi.

Registration is open and study guides will be available soon at the Connect Counter. The cost is $11.

Men’s Helps Ministry Signup Sign Up Here

As followers of Christ we are called to consider the needs of others….

“Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others.” Philippians 2:4

If you are looking for opportunities to serve the Lord by serving others, the Men’s Helps Ministry Team is for you!

We are looking for servant - hearted men who desire to use their time, skills, and spiritual gifts to help those who are in need as opportunities present themselves. Whether it be serving those in the church, in the community, or other ministries, our goal is to make ourselves available to be the hands and feet of Jesus in very practical ways.

Whether you are skilled in a trade, are a “jack of all trades”, or maybe just want to provide some muscle to help move some furniture, do some yard work, or minor repairs, you can be part of this team and be used by God to bless others.

To sign up to be part of this team, click the Sign Up Here link above

2024 Men's Wings & Word Study

Redeeming the Time Intro

Anthony Onorato

Redeeming the Time in the Word

Marc Orozco

Redeeming The Time in the World

Neil Spencer

Personal Testimony

Steve Pfiester

Redeeming the Time as Single Man

Nick Antonino

Redeeming the Time as a Family Man

Pete Vitale

Redeeming the Time as a Retired Man

Mike Ochsner

Men's Breakfast Spring 2024