Men's Bible Study Winter 2025
Men's Bible Study Disciplines of a Godly Man
by R. Kent Hughes
Discipline is something we all need in every area of our lives
Begins January 21 on Tuesdays at 6:30am & 7pm

DTS Disciple Training Spring 2025
A Disciple is a follower, student, and servant of Jesus. The goal of Disciple Training School (DTS) is to help people to follow Jesus more closely, to study the Bible better, and to serve God and others well.

Daddy Daughter Date Night 2025
Daddy Daughter Date Night was designed for Dads and their daughters (ages 4-12) to have an epic night together doing fun activities at a Sunshine & Daisies Picnic.
Registrations are open.

Easter in the Park
Join Calvary in celebrating the greatest event in human history —the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead at beautiful Riverside Park. Join us for a time of music and a powerful message from God's word.

Calvary Kids Got Talent 2025
This a fun opportunity for Calvary Kids 3rd through 8th grade to showcase their God given talents and bring bring glory to God!
Learn More

Parenting Conference
A one-day conference designed to empower and support parents in their journey.

Parenting Conference Volunteers
Our events wouldn’t be possible without our amazing volunteers!

High School Winter Retreat
Join The Factory Youth for our annual High School Winter Retreat from February 7th to 9th at Realife Camp in Vero Beach.

Awana Derby Race 2025
GET READY TO RUMBLE! The AWANA Grand Prix is a pinewood derby car race. Clubbers create their own Grand Prix race cars using the kit

Calvary Connect Course
New to Calvary? This course explores who we are, what we believe, and how you can get plugged in.

Kids Ministry Training Conference 2025
If you are 15 years or older and currently serving or are interested in serving we would like to invite you to attend this event to equip you with some basics in children's ministry.

Father & Son Camp Out 2025
Hey Dads, We’re having our 3rd annual, two night, father/son camping trip for Friday Jan 24th-26th at Saint Sebastian River State Parks Tree Frog Campsite.
Our goal for this trip is to create an opportunity for dads and sons (ages 4-13) to disconnect from busy schedules and connect with each other, God’s creation and other families. Cost is only $40 per family which includes campsite fees, all 5 meals, water and activities. ( If you have any dietary restrictions, please bring your own food ) Spots are very limited so sign up ASAP. Activities will include archery, nature walks, sports and more.
Entrance to the campsite is located at the North County Pool in Sebastian FL. We’ll meet up at the north County Pool on Friday at 4:30 and leave Sunday at noon! Once you sign up we’ll send a detailed schedule of the trip to you.
Sign Up Here

Women's Bible Study Spring 2025
Jesus, the Ultimate High Priest
In Hebrews chapters 7 to 13 the author continues to affirm Jesus’s place as the ultimate high priest and encourages readers to remain steadfast in their faith. Join us as we discover more about our Savior and take courage from those who remained faithful through great challenges and trials thousands of years ago.

Kids Christmas Choir Sign-Ups 2024
The Christmas season is fast approaching, and we are looking forward to another amazing Kids Christmas Choir this year!
This will be the first year ever having the kids choir perform at all three Christmas Eve services! We would like to have every Calvary kid available to sign up for at least one service-but of course, would love to see them at all!

Women's Dessert Night 2024
Ladies! Please join us for our annual Women’s Christmas Dessert on Friday December 13th at 7:00pm.
Gather around festively decorated tables to celebrate Jesus's birth together with delicious food and sweet fellowship.

Kids Blast Fall 2024
Family Fun for CCVB Children's ministry! Bounce houses, fun, food, and fellowship,

Parent's Night
Youth Night for Parents! We will cast vision, answer questions, and talk about discipling this generation.

Factory Parents Night
Parent's Night. This is a one night event for parents of the factory. We are going to cast vision, answer questions, and seek to partner in discipleship.

Men's Wings & The Word
Wings & The Word Men's Gathering Join us for a great night of fellowship, feasting, and being strengthened with God's Word! This night will begin with a hearty dinner of smoked ribs, & Kyle's award winning Chicken Wings.
Sign Up Now!

Men's Wings & Word Volunteer
You are invited to serve the Lord by serving at our upcoming Men’s Wings & the Word event being held on September 20, 2024. There are multiple opportunities and times available to serve at this event.
Volunteer to Serve!

Women's Fall Bible Study 2024
The Surpassing Worth of Jesus
A nine week study through the first half of the book of Hebrews.
Begins Tuesday evening, September 17th at 7:00 pm and Wednesday morning, September 18th at 10:00 am.
Ends Tuesday evening, November 12th and Wednesday morning, November 13th.
(Childcare available Wednesday mornings only.)
Bible Study Workbooks are $5.00 and will be available at the Connect Counter beginning Sunday, September 1st.

Calvary Connect Course
New to Calvary? Check out how you can get more connected during this course.

DTS Disciple Training
A Disciple is a follower, student, and servant of Jesus. The goal of Disciple Training School (DTS) is to help people to follow Jesus more closely, to study the Bible better, and to serve God and others well.
We offer a Fall and a Spring semester each year, and meet once per month for four months, from 8:30am to noon. Done by lunchtime!
The dates for this semester are 9/14, 10/12, 11/9, & 12/7
Cost is $25
Childcare is provided! However, please let us know in the registration form if you will need childcare, and the ages of your children. This will help us to prepare so we can take great care of your kids!

Women's Luncheon 2024
“Clothed in Humility” 2024 Women’s Summer Luncheon. W/ Special Guests Rebecca Warner & Hannah Gallagher

Awana 2024
AWANA Club is a Bible centered Children’s Ministry Program that meets during the school year on our Thursday evening service. The acronym AWANA comes from the first letters of the phrase “Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed” (II Timothy 2:15)

Calvary Kids Night of Worship
Join us on Thursday, August 8th at 7:00 pm for an exciting and uplifting event – the Calvary Kids Night of Worship! This special evening is dedicated to bringing our kids together for a joyful time of worship and praise.

Calvary Connect Course
Looking to get connect? Join us for our connect course to find how you can get plugged in to the life of our church.

Men's Bible Study (Evening)
We encourage you to join us for a seven-week study through the book of Ephesians. Paul's letter to the Ephesians is an amazing study that covers many topics including the redemptive work of Christ, our identity in Christ, unity in diversity, and how Christians should conduct themselves in a variety of relationships in the church, at home, and in the world.
Register Here

Men's Bible Study (Morning)
We encourage you to join us for a seven-week study through the book of Ephesians. Paul's letter to the Ephesians is an amazing study that covers many topics including the redemptive work of Christ, our identity in Christ, unity in diversity, and how Christians should conduct themselves in a variety of relationships in the church, at home, and in the world.
Register Here

GO SALT 2024
One week of sun, surf, worship, and bible study for jr high and high school students. This is an amazing week to get away, grow in your relationship with Jesus, and make life-long memories with friends.

Men's Conference 2024
Ephesians 5:15-16 says, "See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time because the days are evil."
As followers of Jesus we are called to walk in wisdom in these dark days we are living in, making the most of our opportunities. We are all given the same 1,440 minutes each day...The question is, how will we use that time to have our lives make an impact in eternity?

Calvary Kids Annual Water Gun Battle 2024
Calvary Kids Annual water gun battle. This is a super fun family event held at Charles Park. No drop offs. For all Calvary Kids and their parents! There will be food, fun, fellowship. There will be a waterslide for the kids. Also Kona ice and pizza for the kids.
Parents bring your lawn chairs
Kids bring your water guns
No drop offs.

Calvary Connect Course
Are you new To Calvary? Looking to get plugged in? This course explores who we are and how you can get involved in the life of our church.