Calvary Vero Home Groups

Sermon-Based Discussion

Week of 01/19/25

Ephesians 1:15-2:10

Jim introduced the study today by noting that Paul wrote this portion as a prayer. He offered both thanksgiving—a look back—and prayer—a look forward. Verse 17 offered the main theme of the prayer—knowing God. All believers know God, but Paul prayed for an increased knowledge. Knowing God is key to healthy fellowship among believers.

  1. How healthy is your fellowship?

  2. Like Kurt Warner, do you or have you experienced a different outlook on the world around you since knowing God?

In verse 18, Paul prayed that we “would know the hope of His calling.” We should have an anticipatory enthusiasm. The hope we have is not a wish, but a promise. We are a part of the furthering of God’s kingdom.

  1. Knowing what He has called you to, what ways are you furthering God’s kingdom?

  2. Are you enthusiastic about your walk with Christ? Why or why not?

The second expression of knowing God was in understanding the glorious riches of our inheritance. On the other side of the cross, a joy was set before Jesus—giving us access to God (Hebrews 12:2). He kept an eternal perspective.

  1. Where is your treasure? How do you stay focused on the eternal amid the temporal?

The last expression was in knowing His great power. Man without God is driven by pleasure, possessions, and power, but only God’s power can truly transform. God’s power is for us and works toward us. He leads us in His ways.

  1. How do we allow this mindset to penetrate your daily walk?

  2. How much do you really appreciate the depth of His power?

  3. In 2:1-3, Paul described how much we were flailing in our sin. How does this deepen your appreciation of God’s power to overcome, save, and transform?

  4. In 2:4-10, Paul explained how God delivers His power in kindness toward us. Do you see yourself as God’s workmanship? Share some ways in which you have seen God mold and develop you for His glory.