Join Calvary in celebrating the greatest event in human history —the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead at beautiful Riverside Park. Join us for a time of music and a powerful message from God's word.


Good Friday Family Picnic
4:00 pm

The Family Picnic is a much-anticipated weekend highlight. Enjoy a variety of food trucks offering delicious options, bounce houses for the kids to have fun in, yard games for all ages to participate in, and a whole lot more at beautiful Riverside Park.

Good Friday Communion Service 6:00 pm

Join us as we remember Christ’s death and look forward to His resurrection. During our Good Friday picnic, we will celebrate with a family service and communion. We know that His death means life for us.


Sunrise Service
6:30 am

The darkness of the cross is met with the brilliant light of the resurrection. To embody that message, we invite you to our Easter Sunrise Service. This is a time of worship and a reflective teaching from the resurrection story.

Easter Celebration Service
10:00 am

We are celebrating the greatest event in human history — the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead at beautiful Riverside Park. Join us for a time of music and a powerful message from God’s word. We also offer a safe and fun children’s program for kids 0-12yrs.

& Music

Pastor Jim Gallagher

Pastor Jim will deliver a special Easter message at our Sunrise and Celebration Services.

Pastor Nathan Gallagher

Pastor Nathan will be delivering the sermon at our Good Friday Service on Friday night.

Calvary Worship

The worship ministry of Calvary Chapel Vero Beach will lead us throughout the weekend in worship.


Easter in the Park is full of fun ways to serve, and we couldn’t make it happen without you!